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サービス Services テレワーク Online work 日帰り客室 Day use guest room レンタルボート Rental boat

サービス Services

This is an introduction to the services available at Amy Mambos.
Please ask to the staff on duty if you would like to use the facility.

図書室・ワークスペース Library/Workspace

書棚には古典の名作からビジネス本まで取り揃えています。ここから水上デッキに行けるので、デスクワークに疲れたら水上デッキで一休みもできます。 The bookshelves have a wide selection of books, ranging from literary classics to business guides. If the weather is fine, please feel free to enjoy some fresh air on the water deck.

大風呂 Public bath

If you wish to use the public bath privately, it can be arranged for ¥2,200.
Please make a reservation at least one day in advance.

デッキ Water deck

安戸池を一望できる水上デッキはバーベキュースペースとしてもおすすめ(道具レンタルあり)。2階見晴デッキは眼下に広がる瀬戸内海を望めます。 The water deck overs Adoike and is a lovely spot for a barbecuing – rental equipment is available.
There is also a second floor viewing deck which overlooks the Seto Inland Sea.

ラウンジ Lounge

お⾷事や無料のソフトドリンク、DVD鑑賞やゲストさん同⼠の交流の場としてご利用ください。 Please use this shared space to have a meal, enjoy the complementary soft drinks, watch a DVD and get acquainted with the other guests of Amy Monbos.

厨房 Kitchen

プロ仕様の本格的な厨房では、釣った魚をさばいたり、BBQの下ごしらえなどができます。電子レンジ、食器類も使えます。 The fully established kitchen is available for guests to prepare ingredients for a BBQ and cook the fish they caught in the fish pond or the sea.You can also use the microwave and crockery.

貸出用洗濯機 washing machine (free of charge)

乾燥機付き洗濯機、洗剤もご自由にお使いください。 There is a washing machine and dryer with laundry detergent available.

The guesthouse is a perfect environment for doing online work,
surrounded by the peacefulness of the Seto Inland Sea.

ワークスペース(定員3名) Workspace(accommodating 3 guests)

ラウンジ(定員8名) Lounge(accommodating 8 guests)

コワーキングスペースとして1席よりご利用いただけます。グループでのご利用はご相談ください。 Feel free to use it as a shared workspace or quiet reading area.
Please contact us to arrange for a group meeting.

利用時間 / 8:30〜18:00 Operating hours: 8:30-18:00.

550円(税込)/5時間まで ¥550Up to 5 hours.

1,100円(税込)/終日  ¥1,100All day.

日帰り客室利用 Day use guest room

オンラインミーティングや静かな場所で集中したい場合は客室もご利用いただけます。また井筒屋敷にあるリラクゼーションサロン㐂一(きいち)さんのアロママッサージを受けることもできます(要予約: Guest rooms are also available for online meetings or if you wish to concentrate in a quiet place.
You can also arrange a massage provided by Aroma Salon Kiichi, located in Izutsu Yashiki. (Reservation required:

利用時間 / 8:30〜21:00 Operating hours: 8:30-21:00.

1,650円(税込)/半日 ¥1,650Half day.

3,300円(税込)/終日 ¥3,300All day.

Rental boat – (7 passengers including the captain)


You can rent a cabin cruiser for self-guided sightseeing at Amy Monbos.
Hiketa Adoike, where Amy Monbos is located, is part of a working fish farm and a hatchery for yellowtail fish.
There is fishing available at the fish farm in Adoike, a place where many fishing enthusiasts visit during their holidays.
The fishing at Adoike or from along the coast is good, but we recommend taking our boat out to enjoy the calm seas of the Seto Inland Sea.

引⽥不整合 The coast of Hiketa

The Kaburakoshi Lamprophyres

絹島柱状節理 The basalt columns of Kinujima

Availability: 8:00-17:00 (*Final return)

船の仕様 Specifications of the ship

船名/ニッサン サンキャット7.7(船型式:SC770THT)
Ship name: Nissan Suncat 7.7(Ship model: SC770THT).
Gross tonnage: less than 5 tons.
Total length: 6.93m.

Maximum output: 115ps.
Maximum capacity: 7 people (including captain).

レンタル料金(税金、燃料代込) Rental fee

1 hour: ¥6,000
2 hours: ¥7,150
3 hours: ¥8,250

4 hours: ¥9,350
5 hours or more: ¥11,000

船長資格 Captain qualification

Over 20 years old.
2nd class small ship license or higher.

2nd class small boat license or higher – less than 5 tons, 5 nautical miles (acquired from June to October 2003).

キャンセル料 Cancellation fee

  • ご利用当日キャンセルのみ、基本料金のキャンセル料が発生します。 If you cancel on the day, you will be charged the basic fee as a cancellation fee.
  • ご利用当日でも悪天候などの理由にて、当社の判断により出港をお断りする場合がありますのでご了承ください。
    In the case of bad weather or other unexpected event, we may be forced to cancel the use of the boat.
    If this is the case, no cancellation fee will apply.

集合時間、場所 Meeting time and location

  • 乗船手続きにお時間を要しますので、乗船時刻の30分前にアミーマンボス受付にお越しください。 Please come to the Amy Mambos reception at least 30 minutes before boarding time so that pre-boarding procedures can be finalised.
  • 乗船時刻から30分経過してもお越しにならない場合はキャンセルとさせていただきますので、遅れる場合は必ず0879-33-7711まで電話連絡をお願い致します。 If you arrive later than 30 minutes of your boarding time, your reservation will be cancelled. If however you are running late, please call Amy Monbos on +81 879-33-7711.
  • 手続き後、船の係留場所までご案内しますので、事前にお手荷物をご準備ください。 After the boarding procedures are finished, we will take you to the boat’s moorings, so please have your onboard luggage prepared in advance.

出港手続き Departure procedure

  • 受付時に 船舶免許証の原本をご提示頂き 、精算を行います。 当日お忘れの場合や有効期限切れの場合はご乗船頂けません。 Please present your boat license to reception when you pay for the use of the boat.
  • やむを得ず延長等、スケジュールの変更がある場合は前日までにご連絡ください。 If you find there is an unavoidable schedule change, please contact us at least 24hrs before.

ご利用時の注意点 Notes for use

  • 乗船者全員のライフジャケット着用が義務付けられています。船内に備えていますので、出港前にご着用ください。 A life jacket is provided to all passengers and is required to be worn at all times while on board the boat.
  • 乗船中は常時通信手段を確保できるようにしてください。防水ケースが必要な場合は受付時にお申し出ください。
    Please be sure to have a reliable means of communication with you while on board. If you need a waterproof case to protect your communication device, please let us know at reception.
    ※A waterproof bag to put your mobile phone in while on board is essential for reliable communication.
  • ごみは各々持ち帰り頂きますようお願い致します。 Please take your garbage with you when you disembark.
  • 船内にトイレ設備がないため、出港前にお済ませください。 There is no toilet onboard the boat, so please use the bathroom facilities before you depart.

航行区域 Navigation area

  • 平水区域及び限定沿海区域の範囲外は航行できません。平水区域:港、湾、瀬戸内海など。
    Please do not navigate outside the range of flat-water areas and limited coastal areas.
    Flat water areas: ports, bays, the Seto Inland Sea, etc.
    Limited coastal area: Range of navigation is limited to the distance that can be covered at maximum speed within 2 hours.
  • レンタル船では本線航路は越えられません。 Rental boats cannot cross the main shipping channel.

注意事項 Notes

  • 出入港以外での着岸は禁止とさせていただきます(緊急時を除く) Docking at a port other than that of Amy Monbos is prohibited (except in emergencies).
  • 海岸、島など岸への乗り上げは厳禁です。 It is strictly prohibited to beach the boat on any part of the coast or an island.
  • 海水浴場区域への接近は厳禁です。 It is strictly prohibited to approach a beach area.
  • カヌー・カヤック・SUP(スタンドアップパドルボード)などへの接近は厳禁です。
    It is strictly prohibited to approach canoes, kayaks, SUPs (Stand Up Paddleboard), etc. If you must approach, reduce your speed, and avoid making waves.

船体の破損等 Damage to the hull, etc

  • 入出港時の桟橋への衝突、消波ブロックや暗礁への衝突による船体やプロペラの破損は保険適用外となりますので、十分に慎重な操船をお願いします。 Damage to the hull or propeller due to a collision with a pier, wave dissipating block, or reef when entering or leaving the port is not covered by insurance, so please be especially careful.
  • 沿岸や浅瀬を航行すると座礁する恐れがありますのでご注意ください。 Please be aware that there is a risk of running aground when navigating close to the coast or shallow waters.
  • お客様の不注意による船体破損の場合は、免責金額として5万円を頂戴致します。 If the hull is damaged due to carelessness, a ¥50,000 insurance excess will be charged to the customer.

船長の遵守事項 Captain’s responsibilities

  • 酒酔い操縦の禁止…車と同様、船舶も運転者の飲酒は認められていません。 The captain of the boat must not be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. This is regarded in the same way as a driver of a vehicle on the road.
  • 危険操縦の禁止…ジグザグ航行等、危険な航行は禁止されています。 Do not pilot the boat in a dangerous or unexpected manner.
  • 救命胴衣の着用義務…乗船者全員のライフジャケット着用が義務付けられています。 You have an obligation to ensure all passengers wear a lifejacket at all times.
  • 定員厳守(7名)…定められた定員を超える乗船はできません。 There is a strict boarding limit of 7 passengers, including the captain.
  • 見張りの実施…常に船の周りに注意しながら航行してください。 It is your responsibility to keep a close watch on your surroundings, whilst moving or stationary.
  • 事故等の対応 Respond to accidents in a responsible manner.

※法令違反(免許、定員、航法など)は、全て操船される船長の責任となります。全ての皆様に安全に楽しんで頂けるよう、安全第一でのご利用をお願い致します。 *The captain of the boat will be lawfully responsible for all infractions of licensing, boat capacity, navigation laws etc. Please use the boat with safety first in mind, so that you, your passengers, and other water users can enjoy themselves.

お電話でのお問合せはこちら。To make an enquiry by phone.

0879-33-7711 +81 879-33-7711
客室Guest room

各部屋の予約フォームよりお申し込みください。Please apply from the reservation form for each room.


アミーマンボスのお問い合わせはこちらTo make an enquiry about Amy Monbos [please click here.]